Consolidated BIR Citizen’s Charter (RMC 39-2015, July 13, 2015)
The BIR has circularized a consolidated and updated Citizen’s Charter that provides complete guidelines involving the below enumerated applications/transactions with the BIR. The guidelines cover the documentary requirements, venue and due dates, and the step by step procedures including the BIR offices/persons responsible, processing time in minutes and the fees.
1. Processing of TIN of employees, one-time taxpayers, self-employed, estates and trusts
2. Certificate of Registration, TIN Cards, Authority to Print
3. Registration of manual books
4. One-time transactions involving sale of shares/real property, donations subject to donor’s tax
5. Permit to operate as manufacturer/trader/importer of excisable articles
6. Authority to release imported goods (ATRIG)
7. Tax clearance for bidding
8. Delinquency verifications for foreign corporations/individuals
9. Issuance of VAT exemption certificates (VEC) and ID cards (VEIC) for embassies and its personnel
10. Rulings on tax exemption of embassies and their personnel
11. Issuance of Tax Credit Certificate (TCC) pursuant to a court order
12. Rulings on exchange of real properties to correct mistakes
13. Tax exemption rulings for senior citizens
14. Tax exemption rulings of the National Housing Authority and private sector participants in socialized housing program
15. Certificate of exemption for scholarship and job/livelihood programs
16. Contractor’s final payment release certificate
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